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22 Cheap Keto Meal Ideas

If you’re wondering how to make meat stretch further or you’re looking for inexpensive dishes to make and still stay true to your keto/low-carb way of eating, then this list of 22 Cheap Keto Meal Ideas is the one for you! Grab a coffee, and check out this list of tried and true dishes from keto bloggers and recipe developers. Which will you make first?

Is Keto Expensive?

Many people are concerned that a keto diet, which is typically protein-heavy, is expensive. They’re worried that they can’t afford the ingredients that will let them eat a keto diet.

While this can certainly be true, there are plenty of inexpensive dishes, and ways to make meals stretch. And I, Chef Jenn, will tell you all my tips and tricks plus I’ll show you some of my favorite cheap keto recipes.

What Is The Best Meat For Keto – That’s Also Affordable?

Here are some of my favorites for keto dieters, and even keto carnivore diets:

  • Ground beef
  • Ground turkey
  • Ground pork
  • Sausage – just check the ingredient labels to make sure there are no starchy fillers
  • Chicken leg quarters
  • Pork shoulder
  • Pot-roast cuts of beef

How To Buy Keto Friendly Meats

Shop on sale! Seriously – watch those flyers for your local stores. When meat goes on sale, buy in bulk. Here are some other tips:

  • Family packs of meat are often cheaper per pound than smaller portions
  • Store sales are usually a better value than everyday prices at stores like Walmart – Walmart isn’t always cheaper
  • Buy unprocessed meats – pre-marinated, pre-sliced, and prepared meats are always more expensive.
  • Freeze what you don’t use right away. I’ve got two colossal chest freezers packed with meat that I’ve bought on sale.

Keto on a Budget

Doing keto on a budget isn’t impossible. It just takes some planning. And, don’t get caught up in the latest fads and must-have ingredients. Here are some other tips:

  • Anything labeled “keto” is suuuper expensive. Learn to cook clean instead and make your own pasta sauces, snacks, and convenience foods.
  • Foods that are labeled keto often aren’t! There are no labeling regulations (yet) for keto so you can get anything in the ingredients, along with whole pile of chemicals.
  • Invest in a freezer – seriously, bulk buying and cooking will save your bacon
  • Skip the grass-fed butter and organic meats. Seriously. Unless you’re going super-strict keto, these ingredients are just not worth the extra expense.

Delicious Recipes For Cheap Keto Meals

Are these recipes freezer friendly?

Yes! Many of them are. Check out each recipe for freezing instructions

Are these recipes all keto/low-carb?

Yes! Each one is 10 grams of net carbs or less per serving.

Are these recipes hard to make?

No! Each recipe is pretty easy, with clear instructions on how to make it a no-fail dish!

about jenn

Hi, I’m Jenn!

I’m a cookbook author (Keto Soup Cookbook and Keto Diabetic Cookbook and Meal Plan) as well as a retired chef, recipe developer, and writer of this blog (that’s a lot of hats!). I embarked on a journey to create foodie-worthy Keto-friendly meals that any home cook can be proud of! No matter if you’re low-carb, no-carb, dirty, or strict Keto, there are recipes in Keto Cooking Wins for you and your family. Read more...

7 thoughts on “22 Cheap Keto Meal Ideas”

  1. Thanks for the post! The perfect roundup for my right now as my hubby LOVES high protein meals but all the meat is getting expensive to buy.

  2. Absolutely delicious! This roundup is perfect for me right now, I was planning on getting back into keto and needed some yummy recipes! I can’t wait to make them!


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