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Keto Shopping List

Armed with this keto shopping list, you won’t ever have to wander the isles at the supermarket wondering what to buy that’s keto-friendly.

Keto can be very overwhelming at first, and if you’re not used to reading nutrition labels, you can be left wondering what is keto-friendly and what isn’t. The reality is that MANY processed food, and especially those labelled low-fat, have sugars or carbohydrates in them. Both of these are no-no’s when following a keto diet.

You can stick to the general rule of thumb for grocery shopping, by sticking to the perimeter and foregoing tempting trips into the middle isles. The far walls of a grocery store are lined with produce, meat, and dairy. These are (mostly) all pretty good for ketoers. It is the dreaded inner isles with all the packaged and prepared foods that are loaded with carbs and sugars.

Or, take a copy of this list with you, there’s a printable version below, and you’ll never have to wonder what to buy when at the grocery store! You’ll find some handy tips below the image, too.

Keto shopping list for keto dieters, along with tips.

Keto Shopping List Tips

Here are some handy tips to help you get your first shopping trip under way:

  • Buy meat that is on sale and freeze it for later.
  • Buy large cuts of meat and portion them for use. Ground beef, club packs of steaks, and so on often work out cheaper per pound if you buy larger packs.
  • Portion bacon in single use servings (wrap it in plastic wrap or put into a baggie) so you don’t have to deal with a whole package of bacon when you just need a few strips.
  • Only buy enough fresh veggies for a few days at a time.
  • Keep some frozen mixed vegetable blends in the freezer for quick and easy meals. Just watch out for the “sauced” varieties as they can often have hidden sugars in them.
  • Meal plan! Plan out a week’s worth of meals and make sure you have all ingredients on hand. This’ll help you stay on track and avoid slip-ups.

Free Shopping List download!

about jenn

Hi, I’m Jenn!

I’m a cookbook author (Keto Soup Cookbook and Keto Diabetic Cookbook and Meal Plan) as well as a retired chef, recipe developer, and writer of this blog (that’s a lot of hats!). I embarked on a journey to create foodie-worthy Keto-friendly meals that any home cook can be proud of! No matter if you’re low-carb, no-carb, dirty, or strict Keto, there are recipes in Keto Cooking Wins for you and your family. Read more...

5 thoughts on “Keto Shopping List”

  1. This is so great. I have neem thinking of switching to keto nutrition for a while now, but I admit I am nervous about having to spend too much time in the kitchen. This shopping list makes it so much simpler and helps me a lot with sing I can still have quick and easy meals. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    • My pleasure! Be sure to snag a printable copy by hitting the link, then you can take the shopping list with you!

    • Hi Connie, People who are doing strict keto will avoid most brands of bacon because they are cured with sugar. There are brands of bacon out there that are “uncured”, or, if you’re doing a more relaxed version of keto, then the wee bit of sugar in the curing process won’t really be an issue. You also have to balance the cost issue – uncured bacon brands are often quite pricey. Hope this helps some! Feel free to join us over at http://www.facebookcom/groups/ketocookingwins where you’ll get more advice, and likely more timely advice, too!

  2. I haven’t done my cooking with recipes, I am overwhelmed with all the filling food recipes on the keto diet, I would be afraid to over eat doing my diet this way. Is it possible to a simple version of the Keto Diet and still make your Macros to stay in ketosis? Can you direct me to a place to see that….evry FB site has tons of recipes with lots of ingredients. I live alone I don’t cook like that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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